Monday, July 13, 2009

How to make the Obama Sushi Roll?

Last week we've blogged about the world craziest sushi. Turns out that one sushi caught your attention and it was the Obama Roll. Many of our hungry readers were interested to know whether the Obama sushi was real, and if we serve it. Well, it is real but we don't think that eating the Prez is kosher.

Anyway, for all of our dedicated readers, here's the Obama roll, step by step. The roll was made by Chef Ken Kawazumi, in Tokyo. Everybody say konnichiwa to the Chef...

As you can see below, the Chef used black sesame seeds for the hair, and amaboko(processed fish paste) for the mouth and teeth. The President's skin was made out of brown rice.

But wait! There's more. The Chef decided to go and make the American Flag. He used rice as the white background and tuna for the red stripes.

To finish the deal, he created another American icon out of yellow rice:

And the final result was more than just a portrait of Obama, it was a tribute to the US of A :

If you must know, the cars' windows are made out of cucumber, and front lights are made of burdock root:

Can you do a creative sushi? A roll that looks just like JFK? Your mom? The Empire State building? Yes you can! Feel free to share your ideas with us and remember that from Brooklyn Sushi to New York Sushi and even Kosher Sushi, Sushi K Bar knows it all. Get your Kosher sushi fix right here and don't forget to visit us online at The freshest Quality Sushi in Town.

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